Gold Prospecting Supplies

This is far from a complete list of places to buy or research the equipment and supplies you will need for your Alaska gold prospecting trip. There are numerous stores in the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas and we have not listed them here. What you will find here are the major suppliers for a given item. They will be able to direct you to a dealer in your area or allow you to purchase directly.

Gold Dredge

Keene Engineering – They specialize in small floating dredges — the kind you will need to prospect with in Alaska, and portable dredges that can be carries on a backpack or ATV. It is also a good information site for general information on gold dredging.

Proline Mining Equipment – California based gold dredge and highbanker manufacture. Proline is an industry leader utilizing multiple state-of-the-art manufacturing processes.

Gold Pans

Garrett – The company is a well known manufacturer of gravity gold pans and screens. They also sell gold panning kits, which include the pan, instructional information, and gold bearing sand/gravel to practice with.

Keene Engineering – Variety of plastic and metal gold pans, screens, and sluice boxes.

Gold Sluice Box

Keene Engineering – Variety of plastic and metal gold pans, screens, and sluice boxes.

Sluice Box Plans – Plans and directions to build you own sluice box. Backpack, light weight, and traditional versions.

Metal Detectors

Fisher – The Fisher Gold Bug 2 is one of the most popular machines used for gold nugget detection in the USA.

White – White’s Electronics is a world leader in the design and manufacture of metal detectors.